Unfair Contract Terms in Building Contracts and Extensions of Time

Unfair Contract Terms

Under the Australian Consumer Law, a Homeowner can seek relief that a Court declares a clause to be void, unenforceable, and severed from a contract if the following elements are satisfied:

  1. the relevant (Building Contract) is a consumer contract;
  2. the Building Contract is a standard form contract; and,
  3. there is an unfair contract term.

Homeowners, Are you ready to recover from your Builder loss & damage for delay in completion?

If you are a Homeowner and you have recently moved into a finished home, after experiencing stressful and protracted building delays, you ought to get legal advice on the value of a claim against your Builder for delay damages incurred between:

  1. the contractual date of practical completion; and,
  2. the actual date of practical completion.

Here are three issues on which a party should seek legal advice before deciding to commence legal proceedings for the recovery of delay damages.

Perth Class Action Lawyer

Considering a Class Action Lawsuit Against a Builder or Building Group: Practical Insights

As homeowners, it’s crucial to understand legal options when facing disputes with builders. Since the formation of Vogt Legal, we have received a high and ongoing intake of clients reporting issues relating to delays by their builders in completing works by the contracted date for practical completion.

It is not uncommon for us to hear clients voice their complaints in respect of the same builders, which begs the question: should homeowners be commencing class action lawsuits against their builders?

Why Subcontractors Should Have Their Contracts Reviewed

When a subcontractor is awarded a job, the head contractor typically issues a purchase order that comes with a contract document titled "Terms & Conditions," "General Conditions," or "Subcontractor Agreement." Subcontractors are strongly encouraged to engage a contract lawyer to review these contracts and provide written advice. Here are four key reasons why this is essential.

Your Trusted Partner in Resolving Construction Disputes

When your dream home renovation or construction project turns into a nightmare due to poor workmanship or unmet expectations, the importance of seeking legal advice cannot be overstated. It's a crucial step towards protecting your investment and ensuring that you receive the remedy or compensation you deserve. In Perth, one name stands out as a beacon of expertise and reliability in construction law - Vogt Legal.